An Action Plan for World Domination Through Librarianship

“An Action Plan for World Domination Through Librarianship” CILIP 2015 Annual Conference. Liverpool, UK.

Abstract: The future for libraries of all sorts is in engaging our communities in learning. The communities in our towns, schools, colleges, and businesses need a proactive corps of librarians dedicated to knowledge, and a mission of facilitation. David’s presentation will highlight the struggles and transformation of libraries in the U.S. as they overcame an economic crisis by embracing the aspirations of the community.?



An Action Plan for World Domination Through Librarianship from R. David Lankes on Vimeo.

Libraries as Platforms of World Domination

“Libraries as Platforms of World Domination” ILEAD USA. Springfield, IL.

Abstract: Integrating the community into the collection is not a gimmick or a fad. Making community expertise a direct part of what the library offers – what the library is is not only possible, but essential. This session wraps in 9 states to work on the issue. Special thanks to Cheryl Gould for sharing her facilitation methods.
Twitter Stream: PDF


Libraries as Platforms of World Domination from R. David Lankes on Vimeo.

Communities in Crisis

“Communities in Crisis” Association des bibliothécaires français. Strasbourg, FR (via video).

Abstract: How do libraries respond in times of crisis? They dive deeper into their communities. Is this an act of politics? Yes.




This video has French captioning. A very heartfelt thank you to Nathalie CLOT, Directrice Bibliothèque universitaire d’Angers and Raphaelle Bats for the translation and opportunity.

Below is the timecoded translation:

Continue reading “Communities in Crisis”

Everything You Learned in Library School is Wrong

Please note I have added a new cleaner audio track to this presentation (and the audio download) as well as adding a YouTube version of the presentation (in case you like to see me walking around).

“Everything You Learned in Library School is Wrong” ILEAD USA. Springfield, IL.

Abstract: We all know that Libraries are Good and Necessary Things and Libraries Collect, Organize, and Provide Access to Information. That’s what we were taught in library school right? Except of course, they don’t. Libraries don’t do anything except exert gravity and shield you from the rain. It is librarians and the people in the library that makes the world a better place. Collections are just tools, like buildings, and books, and databases, and 3D printers. This keynote will focus on how librarians are radical positive change agents that make communities better.




Everything You Learned in Library School is Wrong from R. David Lankes on Vimeo.

Video of Presentation

Expecting More From Our Libraries and Communities

“Expecting More From Our Libraries and Communities” Professional Development Speaker Series. Toronto, Canada.

Abstract: Libraries are more important now than ever – but not the same libraries we have always had. Our patrons need to expect more of us, and we, in turn, should expect more of them. We must form a partnership based on aspirations and shared goals, not deficits, and collected materials. This session seeks to highlight the importance of librarianship and librarians in building stronger communities beyond a desk, a building, or a collection.




Expecting More From Our Libraries & Communities from R. David Lankes on Vimeo.

Radical Librarians

“Radical Librarians” Bertha Bassam Lecture University of Toronto Faculty of Information. Toronto, Canada.

Abstract: For too long librarians have seen their role as being unbiased agents standing ready to serve. Librarians must be agents of transformative social engagement — actively working to better their communities. From the riots in Ferguson, to the Arab Spring, we see the value of librarians throwing off the mask of objective curator and adopting the role of change agent. This lecture examines the value of librarians dedicated to improving communities, not simply informing them.




Apologies, when first posted on March 12 before 4pm I had linked to the wrong video. This one is correct.

Radical Librarians from R. David Lankes on Vimeo.

The Librarian, The Closet, & The Empty Room

“The Librarian, The Closet, & The Empty Room” School Library Systems Conference. White Plains, NY.

Abstract: Librarianship needs a radical change – a focus from libraries as places and institutions to librarians as radical positive change agents. This presentation talks about defining the profession and places by the people who make a difference – librarians.




BOCES from R. David Lankes on Vimeo.

Expecting More: School Librarians & Change

“Expecting More: School Librarians & Change” Saskatchewan School Library Association. Webinar.

Abstract: This presentation will be based around the book Expect More: Demanding Better Libraries for Today’s Complex World (now available as a free digital download). David Lankes will share his argument that in order to thrive, communities need libraries that go beyond bricks, mortar, books and literature and, specifically, how we can use this vision to transform school libraries into vital places of learning.





SSLA from R. David Lankes on Vimeo.