New Librarianship and the Library as Platform

“New Librarianship and the Library as Platform” Ticer 15th International Summer School on Digital Libraries 2012, Tillburg, Netherlands.

Abstract: Change in academic libraries is nothing new. From digitization of materials, to the move of scholarly communications from journals to online venues, librarians are becoming accustomed to constant reinvention. Now, however, libraries must become platforms for innovation throughout the entire academy. Librarians should be active in online education, new models of student learning, and helping the faculty adjust to disruptive change. Rather than being the heart of the university centered on a collection, libraries must become hubs that spread new practice throughout the organization.

Library as Platform: Unlocking the Potential of Our Communities

“Library as Platform: Unlocking the Potential of Our Communities” SCRLC Leadership Luncheon Webinar.

Abstract: Our buildings matter. Our services matter. But they don’t matter on their own, and we do not determine their value – that is a job for the community. It is only in the advancement of those we serve that we find our impact. It is only in the potential realized that we can measure our contribution. Our buildings, our books, our services, our catalogs must not be channels of assistance we provide, but part of a powerful platform that enables our communities to succeed. This platform is our infrastructure, but it is also the infrastructure of the community – co-owned.


Library as Platform: Unlocking the Potential of Our Communities from R. David Lankes on Vimeo.

Making a New Promise With Our Communities

“Making a New Promise With Our Communities” ALSC Leadership Meeting, Anaheim, CA.

There are two versions of this presentation. The first is condensed to just my remarks. The second listing is the audio and screencast of the session including instructions for the session and a plenary discussion.

Abstract: Advocacy for libraries and children’s services must move from a focus on community deficiencies to community aspirations.


Here is the full version of the workshop session (minus the 10 minutes of silence during the workgroups) including instructions and plenary discussion.


The Bad, The Good, and The Great

“The Bad, The Good, and The Great” Keynote Academic Librarians 2012, Syracuse, NY.

Abstract: Bad libraries build collections; good libraries build services (after all a collection is only one type of service); great libraries build communities. In a time of great change and challenges to the very model of higher education, libraries must move beyond a focus on collections to a focus on communities. As new models of instruction (flipped classrooms, inquiry based instruction, etc.) and research emerge (interdisciplinary, large scale, collaborative, data driven), libraries find themselves well positioned – but only if they see their strongest assets as the librarians, not the materials librarians have organized. This talk will look to a new librarianship that moves past artifacts to knowledge and sets a new path.


New Librarianship’s New Promise

“New Librarianship’s New Promise” Keynote New Jersey Library Association Annual Conference, Atlantic City, NJ.

Abstract: We must make a promise with our communities. We promise to help them participate in the full scope and scale of today’s society. To not simply help the unemployed find a job, but to find meaning and respect. To not simply help the student get to college, but to do so without the shackles of crippling debt. To not simply inform the citizen, but empower them to govern themselves. The promise we must make with our communities is that we are not consumers, we are not customers. We are not an audience to democracy. We are the democracy. We are the market. We consume, we produce and we matter. This community, this city, this state, the country, matters and we will shape its destiny. And we librarians are essential forces of this promise. We are not obsolete, we are not quaint, we are the promise of the better tomorrow.

New Librarianship: From Sharing to Lending and Back Again

“New Librarianship: From Sharing to Lending and Back Again” Tennessee Library Association Brown Bag Series, Webinar.

Abstract: This talk examines a bright future for libraries that can build strong connections with communities. This includes co-owning the library space, returning to a sharing model of libraries, and focusing on the aspirations of the community. Several examples of libraries acting as platforms for community advancement will be discussed.


World Domination Through Librarianship

“World Domination Through Librarianship” Kansas Library Association Annual Conference, Wichita, KS.

Abstract: In an era of battling walled content gardens, disruptive change, social media-enabled revolutions, and truthiness there has never been a greater need for librarians. Sorting through mountains of data, ensuring a civil discourse, repairing the fragmenting commons are vital for our country, and librarians are the right profession to lead the way. However, this is not a simple matter of declaring ourselves prepared, it will take new skills and a new librarianship not focused on buildings and artifacts. This talk lays out a foundation for this new librarianship, and a call to action to save the world.
