Expect More Second Edition    

The Expect More Collaboratory is about to produce it’s first deliverable: the second edition of the Expect More book. This will be quickly followed by an Expect More Workbook and, in the summer, online training and advocacy materials.

With the release of the second edition the downloadable and print version of the first edition will be withdrawn from the web and online markets like Amazon (Collaboratory partners will be able to still download the first edition as well as the second edition through the Collaboratory site). The second edition of Expect More as well as the Workbook will be available for purchase by non-members. This will start happening January 1st.

Just as a reminder, Expect More Collaboratory members get 25 copies of the printed second edition, a print copy of the Workbook, unlimited access to the ebook versions and of course access to the coming online materials.

A note of thanks and gratitude to all who helped make Expect More such a success. It has been sold, accessed, and downloaded over 20,000 times!

If you would like to be part of the future of Expect More please consider joining the Expect More Collaboratory.

New Narratives for Librarians

“New Narratives for Librarians” SLA Military Libraries Division Training Workshop 2015. Washington, DC.

Abstract: Librarians must move past traditional narratives that are holding back the profession. Military librarians also have a special opportunity to craft a new narrative of libraries and security.

Slides: https://davidlankes.org/rdlankes/Presentations/2015/Military.pdf

Audio: https://davidlankes.org/rdlankes/pod/2015/Military.mp3


New Narratives for Librarians from R. David Lankes on Vimeo.

Customer, Consumer, Users, and Other Mistakes

“Customer, Consumer, Users, and Other Mistakes” LIANZA Annual Conference 2015. Wellington, New Zealand.

Abstract: Librarians and the libraries they build are turning towards the communities they serve. Librarians have found renewed relevance and purpose in unleashing the knowledge and aspirations of the world’s towns, schools, universities, and businesses. However, this realignment can go too far – to a place where the values and unique contributions of librarianship get lost in a rush to meet every demand and fad. This talk will focus on the new compact libraries and their communities must forge for the benefit of both.

Slides: https://davidlankes.org/rdlankes/Presentations/2015/Lianza.pdf

Video: http://webcast.gigtv.com.au/Mediasite/Play/4d8a688879144bc49d19e6f3330d74f41d?catalog=69ebd641-e877-4b28-a35e-cc8efe83e3c1&playFrom=6614&autoStart=true

From Bringer of Doom to Bringer of Hope

“From Bringer of Doom to Bringer of Hope” Upstate New York and Ontario Chapter of the Medical Library Association. Buffalo, NY.

Abstract: By embedding librarianship directly into patient support and engaging patients as more than symptoms and diseases medical librarians can help the entire field of medicine transition to true patient centered care. In this talk Lankes will draw upon his experience as both a professor of library science and cancer patient to outline a future for librarians in healthcare.

Slides: https://davidlankes.org/rdlankes/Presentations/2015/UNYOC.pdf

Audio: https://davidlankes.org/rdlankes/pod/2015/UNYOC.mp3


From Bringer of Doom to Bringer of Hope from R. David Lankes on Vimeo.

Day 45,626

“Day 45,626” NYLA’s 125th Annual Conference. Lake Placid, NY.

Abstract: This year NYLA celebrates its 125th anniversary (45,625 days). 45,625 days ago Melvil Dewey, one of NYLA’s founders, saw the future of libraries in standardization, efficiency, and industrialization. 45,625 days ago the future of libraries was in shared structures, shared methods, and librarians devoted to the maintenance of institutional libraries. On day 45,626 this is the formula for disaster. On day 45,626 the future of libraries is in librarians building libraries around the unique communities they serve. The success of the next 125 years is intimately tied to the success of the counties, cities, towns, and villages of New York. Our next 125 years is in the dreams and aspirations of New York’s citizens, students, and scholars not our stacks.

Slides: https://davidlankes.org/rdlankes/Presentations/2015/NYLA.pdf

Audio: https://davidlankes.org/rdlankes/pod/2015/NYLA.mp3


Day 45,626 from R. David Lankes on Vimeo.

Librarians as Agents of Transformation

“Librarians as Agents of Transformation” Informatie aan Zee 2015. Oostende, Belgium.

Abstract: What can be learned from the U.S. librarians’ response to the economic crisis, and the importance of hope and optimism in librarianship.

Slides: https://davidlankes.org/rdlankes/Presentations/2015/Belgium.pdf

Audio: https://davidlankes.org/rdlankes/pod/2015/Belgium.mp3

Major Points: Major points


Librarians as Agents of Transformation from R. David Lankes on Vimeo.