Communities in Crisis

“Communities in Crisis” Association des bibliothécaires français. Strasbourg, FR (via video).

Abstract: How do libraries respond in times of crisis? They dive deeper into their communities. Is this an act of politics? Yes.




This video has French captioning. A very heartfelt thank you to Nathalie CLOT, Directrice Bibliothèque universitaire d’Angers and Raphaelle Bats for the translation and opportunity.

Below is the timecoded translation:

Continue reading “Communities in Crisis”

Join the Expect More Collaboratory

Four Years ago I wrote Expect More: Demanding Better Libraries For Today’s Complex World to start a conversation between librarians and the communities they serve. Since that time thousands have used the book to start conversations, teach students, do board development, and even shape director and dean searches. The time has come to take Expect More to the next step: The Expect More Collaboratory.

This is a call to join partners in expanding Expect More into a comprehensive and expanding set of community building resources. These resources will include online learning events for library decision makers, a physical and digital workbook, and an ongoing series of engagements to advocate for greater community focus and involvement in libraries. The Expect More Collaboratory will deliver a multimedia web-based curriculum for use by librarians with boards, principals, provosts, and communities.

So consider this a call for crowd sourcing. Please help in preparing our communities for better libraries. I’ve put together a site for more information and a brief video call for participation.

Expect More Collaboratory (*


*Please note this used to point to the Expect More World Tour, and you may need to refresh your browser. The direct link is


The World Tour Adds Dates in Italy and Vatican City!

Please Note: This post is being updated with more details as they become available.

ITALIANFISHThe Expect More World Tour rolls on. There is a great deal of interest in New Librarianship and a community focus for libraries in Italy particularly after the publication of the Atlas of New Librarianship (L’atlante della biblioteconomia moderna) in Italian. To meet with the folks interested in a new approach to libraries I’ve added four dates:

Pistoria Library

July 10, 2015 Pistoia, Italy
Supported by the U.S. Embassy in Rome
Topic: Community as Collection

National Library of Rome

July 13, 2015 Rome, Italy
Topic: Participatory Librarianship & LIS Education
Where: National Library of Rome
Organized jointly with AIB (Associazione Italiana Biblioteche) and the National Board

The American University of Rome

July 14, 2015 Rome, Italy
Supported by the U.S. Embassy in Rome

Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut te Rome / Vatican School of Librarianship

July 15, 2015 Rome, Italy
Supported by the Vatican Library School, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, URBS, KNIR, U.S. Embassy in Rome
Topic: The Changing Role of Librarians in Learning

A special note of thanks to Gimena Campos Cervera and the U.S. Embassy in Rome  for support and logistics. In addition to the support of the embassy, thanks to Syracuse University’s iSchool for trip support. Also a big thank you to Anna Maria Tammaro of the University of Parma and Raffaella Vincenti of the Vatican Library/Vatican School of Librarianship.

Expecting More From Our Libraries

“Expecting More From Our Libraries” New York Library Trustees Association. Syracuse, NY.

Abstract: Wondering how your library’s expansion into broader programs, technology classes, Maker Spaces and more relate to the library’s role in your community? Get a better feel for the big picture as our libraries play a vital role in community engagement.


Here is a link to the Expect More book I mentioned.

Lankes to Keynote 125th NYLA Conference

assnbannerThe New York Library Association is joining the Expect More World Tour this October.

On Thursday, October 22 from 9:00 – 10:15 AM in Lake Placid, NY Lankes will give the keynote for the association’s 125th annual conference: NYLA125: Explore. Learn. Grow.

The talk will be titled “Day 45,626″

Here’s the abstract:

This year NYLA celebrates its 125th anniversary (45,625 days). 45,625 days ago Melvil Dewey, one of NYLA’s founders, saw the future of libraries in standardization, efficiency, and industrialization. 45,625 days ago the future of libraries was in shared structures, shared methods, and librarians devoted to the maintenance of institutional libraries. On day 45,626 this is the formula for disaster. On day 45,626 the future of libraries is in librarians building libraries around the unique communities they serve. The success of the next 125 years is intimately tied to the success of the counties, cities, towns, and villages of New York. Our next 125 years is in the dreams and aspirations of New York’s citizens, students, and scholars not our stacks.

Click here for all the details.

Massachusetts Library Association Pre-Conference Invite

Expect More Worcester EMInvite3

Greetings all,

We’re putting together a pre-conference session for the Massachusetts Library Association as part of the Expect More World Tour in May and you are invited. If you’re in the area, please sign up (it’s free) and come join the conversation.

Here are the details and the actual invite:

Tuesday, Tuesday May 5, 2015
8:30 a.m. – 12 noon
DCU Center
Room E
50 Foster Street
Worcester, MA 01608
Coffee, refreshments and snacks
Space is limited, so please RSVP
online at Eventbrite:
or by calling (800) 494-9330

It is free and open to all comers (we just ask that you pre-register).

Click here for the official Invite

Expecting More From Our Libraries and Communities

“Expecting More From Our Libraries and Communities” Professional Development Speaker Series. Toronto, Canada.

Abstract: Libraries are more important now than ever – but not the same libraries we have always had. Our patrons need to expect more of us, and we, in turn, should expect more of them. We must form a partnership based on aspirations and shared goals, not deficits, and collected materials. This session seeks to highlight the importance of librarianship and librarians in building stronger communities beyond a desk, a building, or a collection.




Expecting More From Our Libraries & Communities from R. David Lankes on Vimeo.