The Participatory Librarianship Talking Tour 2007


Participatory librarianship and the whole “Library as Conversation” idea is certainly catching on. I’ve put together a list of presentations I’ve either given or are planned for 2007 at:

In case you’re curious, here’s what’s coming up:

“Participatory Librarianship” South Central Regional Library Council Library: Place Service or Both Series, Ithaca, NY March 16

“The Library as Conversation” The Regione Toscana- Servizi Bibliografici, Florence, Italy April 12

“Participatory Networks: The Library as Conversation” Amigos Member Conference, Dallas, TX. May 2

“Participatory Networks” Nylink Annual Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY. May 9

“Collecting Conversations in a Massive Scale World” ALCTS National Conference, Washington, D.C. June 22

“Future of Information Search and Retrieval” ALA Panel, Washington D.C. June 25


Jeff Pomerantz points out (here) that Amazon has launched a new AskA service “Askville” ( He does not seem so hot on it. He has some legitimate concerns, but I actually take this as a good sign. Virtual reference is alive and well. I’d love to know if the folks at Amazon are familiar with the work on the library and AskA groups (all of you lurking Amazon folks let me know). Someone might want to go use the service to ask “what other types of virtual reference services are available?” or “what is virtual reference?” or “do libraries offer these kind of thing?” and at least get these questions in the search service and test how easy it is to fin out about our work.

As Jeff points out it has some interesting use of tagging and features, and I hope virtual reference vendor types will take a look to see if there are some usable ideas here.

Test Plugoo

I’ve tried Meebo, but wasn’t impressed. Great to IM through a web interface, but you have to be logged onto Meebo. I saw folks talking about Plugoo on Dig_Ref and thought I’d take a look. Seems very cool. It connects a web based IM to my IM client (adium) on my desktop through AIM (or ICQ or Yahoo! or..). If I’m online give it a try and say hi.

Thought Provoking Video

This video has been making the rounds. I have a very split reaction to it. Part of me really likes the message and I think it is a very apt statement on why we must constantly innovate. It’s not that what we are doing currently is wrong, but the world shifts, so we must constantly re-evaluate and innovate to keep up. Yea!

It would be easy to leave it at that. However, the academic in me is constantly bugged by the lack of any form of citation…who says this? Where can I go for more information on these topics? Great I want to take action…but I need more than a video clip to motivate my community.

So a great little think piece, but it could be so much more with a simple link to a set of supporting documents.

Anyway, here it is.

Lankes to Speak in Florence

The Regione Toscana- Servizi Bibliografici, the Regional Office in Tuscany, has invited Lankes to speak on “Library as Conversation: How to face the Challenge.” The talk will take place as part of a workshop which will be held in Florence on April 12th.