Creating a Multi-Disciplinary Knowledge Base to Preserve Human Intermediation

Creating a Multi-Disciplinary Knowledge Base to Preserve Human Intermediation

Abstract: Presentation at the 6th Annual Virtual Reference Desk Conference. The goal of the DREW project is to create a warehouse for digital reference transactions to aid researchers in the exploration of digital reference. The first stage in this process is to determine the standard for the digital reference archive through a study of current services. The results of this study will be presented and the future of the DREW project will be explored.

Reenergizing the Academic Library

“Reenergizing the Academic Library” Lunch presentation to the Pennsylvania Academic Library Association, Valley Forge, PA.

Abstract: We live in an information age. Access to information is an ever-decreasing problem. Making sense of information is an ever-increasing issue. How can academic libraries embrace the tools of the information age and become true knowledge organizations, and not simply information gatekeepers? How can libraries re-center themselves in the academy saturated with information and full-text? This presentation will present a vision and mission for academic libraries as an evolving and central unit in the pursuit of education and knowledge.

The Roles of Digital Reference in a Digital Library Environment

“The Roles of Digital Reference in a Digital Library Environment” Invited presentation to the International Conference of Digital Library-Advance the Efficiency of Knowledge Utilization, Beijing, China.

Abstract: An invited presentation on digital reference, integrating digital reference into digital libraries, and the evolution of digital reference knowledge bases.

The Reference Revival

“The Reference Revival” Keynote to WiLS World Annual Conference, Madison, WI.

Abstract: Digital or virtual reference has become an active community that has deployed digital reference widely across library types. Now the reference community is using the lessons learned to energize reference and the library as a whole. This talk will outline those lessons and how they can be used to energize the library community on a local, national and international level.