The Library as Conversation

“The Library as Conversation” Connecticut Library Association Annual Conference, Groton, CT.

Abstract: Knowledge is generated through conversation. Libraries are in the knowledge business; hence, in the conversation business as well. Books, videos, and web pages are artifacts, the pale afterglow of active knowledge creation. The essential power of the library is found in facilitating knowledge creation in our communities.

Information Technology, Participatory Librarianship, and Educating LIS Professionals

“Information Technology, Participatory Librarianship, and Educating LIS Professionals” Rutgers MLIS Colloquium, New Brunswick, NJ.

Abstract: The American Library Association’s Office for Information Technology Policy (OITP) has named its first Fellow: R. David Lankes of the Syracuse School of Information Studies. Professor Lankes will speak about how the concept of participatory librarianship can build on Web 2.0, Libraries 2.0, and similar trends to give direction to the future of the profession.

Systems, Conversations and Participation

“Systems, Conversations and Participation” Innovative Interface’s Academic Library Director’s Conference, Berkeley, CA.

Abstract: Social is the rage across the Internet. Social bookmarking, social tagging, social networks. But what is social and why does it matter? Can we just make something, like a library social? How can concepts such as community conversations clarify the mission of the library and help direct us in how we build systems for today and tomorrow? David’s presentation will explore aspects of social computing and present underlying concepts of, what he terms, “participatory librarianship”. He will seek to go beyond today’s Web 2.0 buzz words and explore ways that today’s librarian can be effective and necessary in today’s “social” world.

Conversations, Participation and Libraries

“Conversations, Participation and Libraries” SILS Colloquium at the Catholic University of America, Washington DC.

Abstract: Too much technology? Too little technology? Certainly the past two decades have challenged our schools to not only prepare librarians for a new practice environment, but to constantly place these technologies in the larger contexts of our field and society. New technologies, both the fads and the fundamental, have filled our traditional cores and electives to their breaking points. How can we decide what is durable in these new technologies? What is the proper balance between concepts and technology features? What is the overall concept of librarianship that allows us to define cutting edge, obsolete, and irrelevant? It is hoped that this meeting and the larger series of conversations taking place in LIS programs around the country, can bring some consensus to these questions.

Participatory Libraries

“Participatory Libraries” Drexel University School of Information and Technology College Colloquium Series, Philadelphia, PA.

Abstract: The library landscape is constantly in flux. New technologies, new practices, and new theories are the sign of an active field. However, these dynamic forces also lead to confusion and conflict. It also leads to a spate of new services and functions that are sometimes awkward to integrate into existing research, operations and curricula. In today’s world of Web 2.0, Library 2.0, social networks, blogs and wiki’s what concepts are durable and what is new that must be imparted to the next generation of professionals? Thinking through this issue – its technological and professional implications and legislative and policy overlaps – is an example of the type of work conducted at the American Library Association’s (ALA’s) Washington Office. ALA’s Office for Information Technology Policy (OITP), a part of the Washington Office, and Syracuse University’s Information Institute of Syracuse have initiated a project to examine this issue under the rubric of participatory librarianship ( Simply put, participatory librarianship recasts library and library practice from the fundamental concept that knowledge is created through conversation. Since libraries are in the knowledge business they are, therefore, in the conversation business – in both the digital and physical worlds. Participatory librarians approach their work as facilitators of conversation. Be it in practice, policies, programs and/or tools, participatory librarians seek to enrich, capture, store and disseminate the conversations of their communities. As part of this effort, project researchers are seeking input from library and information science (LIS) faculty and students on how participatory concepts can be integrated into curricula and to identify ongoing related research. The input of the LIS research and education community will be incorporated into a Participatory Library Starter Kit. This starter kit will present case studies from a wide variety of settings including: public, federal, and academic libraries; library vendors; and, of course, the LIS research and education community.