Re-Envisioning the MLS: Burn the Libraries and Free the Librarians

Join us as the iSchool and the Information Policy & Access Center Re-Envision the MLS with our thought leader speakers series. We are pleased to present Dr. R. David (Dave) Lankes as our first speaker on November 6, 2014. Please join us in-person or online! Details are below.

Burn the Libraries and Free the Librarians
Dr. R. David Lankes discusses: The days when there was a single model for a library, if they ever existed, are gone. The idea that the library is a storehouse of books and materials is gone. The notion that a library can serve off to the side of the mission of a community is gone. What’s left: the centrality of librarians in meeting the needs and aspirations of the community. This presentation presents a librarianship unencumbered by buildings or a fealty to traditions. It talks about librarians as facilitators of knowledge creation in libraries, and offices, and schools, and classrooms, and the wide reaches of the Internet.

When: Thursday, November 6, 4:30-5:30pm (EST; reception to follow)
Where: McKeldin Special Events Room, 6137 or online via Adobe Connect at
RSVP: Please RSVP at

Master Class Now Open for Enrollment

Starting at the end of June I’ll be running the New Librarianship Master Class (June 30-July 27). For those who are familiar with the MOOC I did last summer, this is a repeat of that course. For those unfamiliar, here is a description:

About the Class

Libraries have existed for millennia, but today the library field is searching for solid footing in an increasingly fragmented (and increasingly digital) information environment. What is librarianship when it is unmoored from cataloging, books, buildings, and committees?

The vision for a new librarianship must go beyond finding library-related uses for information technology and the Internet; it must provide a durable foundation for the field. New Librarianship recasts librarianship and library practice using the fundamental concept that knowledge is created though conversation. New librarians approach their work as facilitators of conversation; they seek to enrich, capture, store, and disseminate the conversations of their communities.

Join David Lankes for this online course that provides a foundation for practicing librarians and library science students in new librarianship. It builds on The Atlas of New Librarianship, the 2012 ABC CLIO/Greenwood Award for the Best Book in Library Literature and seeks to generate discussion about the future direction of the profession.

Course Introduction

For a brief video introduction see:

For a brief video introduction of New Librarianship see:

Join Others

Thanks to the generosity of the State Library of Illinois, the class will be open to all comers, but is targeting participants in the ILEAD USA project. To enroll, use the following instructions. Note that the class won’t start until June 30, but you can register now and get a sense of the course management system used.

Self Enroll

This course is being taught using CourseSites by Blackboard, an online platform for organizing and securely sharing course materials, online lectures, discussion and other learning activities. To request enrollment into my course, follow the steps below:

1. Launch a browser and enter the following URL to the course home page:

2. Once at the course home page, click the “Self Enroll” button.

When signing up, take note that you can register using existing account information from popular web services like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Gmail, Yahoo and Windows Live to make it easier to login.


If you have any questions please let me know at [email protected], or use the Discussion board under “Overview and Introduction.”

Illinois Librarians Join NOW

Excuse the location based post, but ILEAD U is the best continuing education programs going. I encourage Illinois librarians to join up:

2014 ILEAD U Applications: Deadline Extended! Due Friday, February 14, 2014

The State Library will host ILEAD U: Illinois Libraries Explore, Apply and Discover, The 21st Century Technology Tools Institute for Illinois Library Staff at the University of Illinois Springfield on March 24-27, June 23-26 and October 27-30, 2014.

The ILEAD U Steering Committee is looking for participants, mentors and instructors to implement web technologies that foster community participation as well as develop leadership, innovation and positive change. Project ILEAD U will encourage both the experimentation with and building of participatory Web services and programs.

Do you have a technology skill or knowledge of technology tools? Be an instructor! Want to learn? Be a participant! Want to facilitate in a team environment? Be a mentor!

Applications are now available for PARTICIPANTS, INSTRUCTORS, and MENTORS until February 14, 2014, at

Interested but single and looking for a team? Please visit to send your information and we will generate a list of potential team members.

An archive recording of the Statewide Day of Application webinar that was held December 4 is available online.

Teams that applied by the original due date will be notified about your applications by January 31, 2014.

For questions, please contact Project Director Gwen Harrison at [email protected], 217-785-7334 or Assistant Project Director Sandra Fritz at [email protected], 217-558-2064.

Innovation, thought leaders and technology—ALA Annual Conference offers inspiring range of options

Ala Anaheim2012 Color Transforming 14
For Immediate Release
Mon, 04/23/2012 – 10:04

Contact: Amy R McGuigan
Conference Services (cs)

CHICAGO — Innovation, thought leaders and technology are keys to transformation, and the 2012 ALA Annual Conference delivers on all those fronts. Energizing, transformative conversations, programs, pre conferences, discussion groups and high-profile speakers are lined up to spark creativity and foster transformative ideas.

Full listings of related events, as well as details about the highlights below, are on the ALA Annual Conference website, where you’ll find the Preliminary Program and other information.

Thought leaders appearing at Annual Conference include ground-breaking thinkers and writers such as Rebecca MacKinnon, David Weinberger, David Lankes, Dan Ariely, Duane Bray, John Jantsch, three amazing young adults–William Kamkwamba, Talia Leman, and Gaby Rodriguez–and many more.

Numerous programs and sessions such as “Cutting-Edge Technology Services,” (Washington Office) and “Top Tech Trends” (LITA) will inform and inspire attendees. In “Cutting-Edge Technology Services,” panelists will share information on innovative services–from QR codes and participatory learning platforms to online and mobile applications–and lessons learned, to help you replicate successful projects. “Top Tech Trends”–always a popular program–features LITA’s ongoing roundtable discussion about trends and advances in library technology by a panel of LITA technology experts describing changes and advances in technology and how the library world can take advantage of these trends.

In the exhibits hall, the Tech Pavilion groups related exhibitors, so attendees can more quickly identify who they need to spend time with and learn about what one librarian described last year as a “panorama of what’s new and exciting in the information industry,” helped by the “awesome vendors.”

Preconferences in the areas of innovation and technology include Mental Model Busting (PLA); Libraries in the Cloud (AASL); Web Content Strategy for Libraries (LITA); Source Code: Digital Youth Participation (YALSA); Building Digital Collections Using Islandora (LITA); Creating Library Linked Data: What Catalogers and Coders Can Build (LITA); and Zines in Libraries (ALA).

Targeted opportunities for conversation include the Library Boing Boing group, getting together to work on what’s cool in the future of libraries and the Networking Uncommons. And ideal for networking and good cheer over lively conversation and excellent drinks is the LITA Happy Hour.

If you need to make the case for attending ALA Annual Conference, these resources may help you. And you can hear more of what your colleagues say–comments like, “It’s the place for new technologies and innovative and creative ideas,” and, “Amazing ideas are born when librarians get together.”

Find out about the many other ALA Annual Conference & Exhibits highlights as they’re added–speakers, events, networking opportunities, and more. And for general information about the meeting in Anaheim, Calif., June 21-26, 2012, visit us at Get the best discount with Early Bird Registration, open until midnight, Sunday, May 13, 2012.

ALA Annual Conference–Transforming Our Libraries, Ourselves.

The Future is Now! Creatively Reaching and Teaching in Academic Libraries

Academic Librarians 2012
The Future is Now! Creatively Reaching and Teaching in Academic Libraries

June 12 & 13, 2012, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY

Value. Learning. Technology. Librarianship.  As with all libraries and organizations, we must constantly demonstrate our value to our stakeholders amidst the changes brought on us at an increasing rate by the technology that we and our students use.  Technology shapes our interactions with others, our learning techniques and styles, and our pedagogy; it can affect the way our value is perceived. This year’s conference explores value, community, collaboration, social awareness, and applications that enhance learning. How do we demonstrate the value of the academic library in this changing information environment? How do we reach and teach our students? How is information literacy being transformed? Is it possible to game to learn or learn to game? What is the new librarianship? We invite you to explore these issues with us!

Academic Librarians 2012 is brought to you by the NY 3Rs Association and the Academic and Special Libraries Section of the New York Library Association; in cooperation with the New York State Higher Education Initiative.

Roy Tennant, a Senior Program Officer for OCLC Research. The Once and Future Academic Library. The academic library has for many years been considered the very heart of the university. Today that centrality is challenged by a new set of digital players and the rapidly changing needs of the organizations we serve. What are the challenges and opportunities we face today in remaining the heart of the university? How are some libraries reconfiguring their spaces, their services, and their staff to better serve the needs of the 21st century university?

Dr. David Lankes, Associate Professor, Syracuse University. The Bad, The Good, and The Great. Bad libraries build collections; good libraries build services (after all a collection is only one type of service); great libraries build communities. In a time of great change and challenges to the very model of higher education, libraries must move beyond a focus on collections to a focus on communities. As new models of instruction (flipped classrooms, inquiry based instruction, etc.) and research emerge (interdisciplinary, large scale, collaborative, data driven), libraries find themselves well positioned – but only if they see their strongest assets as the librarians, not the materials librarians have organized. This talk will look to a new librarianship that moves past artifacts to knowledge and sets a new path.

Demonstrating Value and Building Relationships.

Lisa Hinchliffe, Associate Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). On Providing and Documenting Value: Dual Imperatives for Academic Libraries. Academic librarians face a multitude of challenges in responding to user needs as well as economic, technological, and accountability demands. The dual imperatives of providing value to our users and then documenting that value can serve as touchstones we embrace today’s possibilities and create tomorrow’s realities.
Dr. Nancy Fried Foster, Anthropologist, Director of Anthropological Research, River Campus Libraries, University of Rochester. Finding Information: A Relationship Thing. In studies of how undergraduates use the libraries at the University of Rochester (UR), we have come to see the central importance of relationships among students, their instructors, their friends and relatives, and librarians and other university staff. This talk will give a brief overview of the use of ethnographic methods at the UR libraries. It will then review results of recent projects on how students “learn the ropes” and what faculty expect of them, emphasizing changing relationships and the development of academic interests and competence.

21st Century Literacies.

Camille Andrews, Learning Technologies and Assessment Librarian, Cornell University. Integrating 21st Century Literacies into the Curriculum. Information literacy, digital literacy, media literacy, visual literacy-what does it all mean and how do they relate? Camille will examine the intersection of current theories of information and other literacies and emerging work in digital media and learning and present some current and possible examples of integration of these 21st century literacies into the curriculum and beyond.
Trudi Jacobson, Distinguished Librarian and Head of the Information Literacy Department at the University Libraries, University at Albany. How Metaliteracy Changed My Life, My Teaching, and My Students’ Experiences. It has never been easy to attempt to teach students core information literacy competencies, but in the past there seemed to be a fairly stable information environment to grapple with. Today’s information world is amorphous and changing at the speed of light. How do we even keep up, let alone teach students? Might we rely on our students themselves to help bridge the gap? Hear how a teaching method, changing technology, and a revised conception of what constitutes information literacy came together to address the evolving needs of today’s students.
Kaila Bussert, Visual Resources Outreach Librarian, Olin & Uris Libraries, Cornell University; co-author of ACRL’s Visual Literacy Standards. Visual Literacy in Higher Education: New Standards for 21st Century Learners. Visual literacy is essential for 21st century learners. While today’s college students live in a visually-rich, screen-based world, they are not necessarily prepared to critically engage and communicate with images and visual media in their academic work. To provide guidance for librarians and educators, ACRL developed Visual Literacy Competency Standards for a higher education and interdisciplinary environment. This presentation will describe the new standards, cover the connections between information and visual literacies, and provide examples of ways that the standards can be implemented in library instruction.

Gaming to Learn.

Chris Leeder, Doctoral Candidate in the School of Information at the University of Michigan. Game-based learning for information literacy. Game-based learning has been the subject of much research, however its application to learning information literacy skills has been barely addressed. The BiblioBouts project explores this possibility through an online information literacy game that engages students in learning research and evaluation skills by competing against their peers to earn points and badges to win the game, while at the same time participating in a learning community through collaborative rating and peer review of the quality of sources. BiblioBouts enlists social gaming to teach information literacy skills to undergraduates while making learning relevant, motivating and fun.
John Lester, Chief Learning Officer at ReactionGrid. Intersections of the Future: Gaming Technology, Virtual Worlds and the Web. John will share his experiences using gaming technology and virtual world platforms to augment education.  He will discuss future trends in specific gaming technologies such as Unity3d along with his work with ReactionGrid on web and mobile-based virtual world platforms. John will also explain common pitfalls when exploring virtual world technologies and highlight the unique affordances of virtual worlds when they are interwoven with existing social media and web-based educational content.
Dr. Jeremy N. Friedberg, Partner & Lead Developer, Spongelab Interactive. Educating through simulations, game-based learning and the gamification of education. Over the past 40 years we’ve seen the enormous potential game-based learning offers  in professional communities from pilots to surgeons – specifically the ability to teach and assess critical thinking and creativity.  But making them work in classrooms in the main-stream education system is a huge challenge.  Aside from issues with hardware, network security, curriculum, and available time, the effective use of these tools is bound by traditional assessment techniques and the appropriate motivation and rewards to inspire learners.  This talk will focus on the design challenges of building educational games, the gamification of simulation, rewards and drivers, and benefits of game-based learning.  We’ll also look at the Spongelab Platform as an example of community-driven design and collaborative learning approaches.
Syracuse University’s iSchool will host a late afternoon reception in Hinds Hall on  June 12th.  Refreshments and a Tech Sandbox will be available!

Registration packets will also be available for those of you not staying in the dorms.

Academic Librarians 2012 is being held consecutively with the New York State Higher Education Initiative (NYSHEI) annual meeting, In with the New. The first 30 people to register and attend the free NYSHEI annual meeting will receive a $20 rebate off the price of the Academic Librarians 2012 conference! Two Conferences, One Trip!
Rates (new, lower rates for this conference!):

Early Bird Registration (now through April 15):    $80   NYLA, NY3Rs,  or NYSHEI members*?Regular Registration  (April 16 and after):            $100  NYLA, NY 3Rs, or NYSHEI members*?Non-Members Rates:                                            $125?MLS/MLIS Students:                                              $25

*Most libraries in New York State are members of a NY 3Rs Council, either directly or through their library system. Your library need only be a member of one of the Councils for you to qualify for member rates. Contact any of the conference planners listed below or visit if you have any questions. To see if your library belongs to NYSHEI, visit

Visit (South Central Regional Library Council [NY 3Rs] is handling this year’s registration.)

Registration Deadline:  June 1, 2012 4:00 p.m.Website:
Twitter  @ ALConf2012
The Sheraton Inn has reserved a block of rooms at the rate of $125+ tax  per room/single or $135/double.  (Be sure to bring your tax-exempt form if this applies to you.) To register with the Sheraton, call 315-475-3000 or 800-395-2105 and reference “Academic Libraries 2012.”  Deadline for room reservations at this rate: May 13th.
Dorm Rooms: Dorm rooms are available at a cost of $48.75 for Tuesday night June 12th (price includes linens).

If you will be reserving a dorm room, please pay when you complete the conference registration form.  If you will be staying at the Sheraton, you will pay separately for the hotel room.

NOTE: All of the conference activities except for the reception and the tech sandbox on the 12th will be taking place in the Schine Student Center, which is a short walk from the iSchool.

Syracuse is easy to reach and beautiful in June!  The American Automobile Association of Western & Central New York features Syracuse in its Member Connection Spring 2012 issue. See the digital version at Syracuse can be reached by plane, train, bus, or car.

$10 per day for those staying on the dorms or commuting to campus; the Sheraton Inn charges $13 per night– $25 up front and they refund $15 upon checkout.

Thanks to our generous sponsors: EBSCO, Busca, EBL–Ebook Library, LYRASIS, NYLA’s Academic & Special Libraries Section, NY 3Rs Association, Inc.,  Spongelab, WALDO, and the Syracuse University’s iSchool! It is through their generous donations that we could reduce the cost of this year’s conference.
If you are interested in being a sponsor, it is not too late–please contact Mary-Carol Lindbloom @ (
[email protected]).
Need more information? Contact any members of the planning team:  Mary-Carol Lindbloom, Debby Emerson (
[email protected]), Regan Brumagen ([email protected]),  Marcy Strong ([email protected]), or Justin Kani ([email protected]).

Conversations on transforming libraries are highlights of ALA 2012 Midwinter Meeting

CHICAGO – Two afternoons of deep conversation about the evolving needs of our communities and how we can transform libraries and librarianship to meet their challenges will take place at the ALA 2012 Midwinter Meeting. Hosted by ALA President Molly Raphael, the conversations will be a highlight of the Meeting’s multiple themes of conversation, empowering voices and transforming libraries.

“Empowering Voices, Transforming Communities” features renowned Syracuse iSchool professor David Lankes leading small groups to address questions about transforming our communities and the profession. Facilitators from the graphic recording company, Sunni Brown, will help create visual images of the plenary conversations that conclude each afternoon. The Saturday, Jan. 21, 2012, session focuses on “Understanding Your Communities.” The Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012, session focuses on “Transforming Librarianship.” Both run from 1 -3 p.m. at the Dallas Convention Center, Room DCC-A1. Sessions are open to all Midwinter Meeting attendees; watch for sign-up information. Attendees will also receive a coupon for 5 percent off the price of David Lankes’ galvanizing “Atlas of New Librarianship” (ACRL/MIT Press, 2011) at the ALA Conference Store.

Lankes’ current focus is on reconceptualizing the library field through the lens of “New Librarianship.” He is a professor in Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies, director of the library science program for the school and director of the Information Institute of Syracuse.

Picking up and continuing the conversation as the featured speaker in President Raphael’s President’s Program is Rich Harwood, described as “one of the great thinkers in American public life.” Harwood has become a leading national authority on improving America’s communities, raising standards of political conduct and re-engaging citizens on today’s most complex and controversial public issues. He is the president and founder of The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation. The President’s Program is 3:30-5:30 p.m. on Sunday in the DCC Theater.

These Empowering Voices events are part of a range of programming under the Midwinter focus “The conversation starts here …” and begin with Friday’s Advocacy Institute Workshop, “Mobilizing Community Support for Your Library,” on Friday, Jan. 20, 2012 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Omni Hotel Dallas. For more information please visit the Advocacy Events page on the ALA website.

“Empowering Voices, Transforming Communities” is sponsored by ALA President Molly Raphael and her presidential committee, as well as the ALA Public Programs Office and the ALA member initiative group Libraries Fostering Civic Engagement. Special thanks to the ALA Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), co-publisher, with MIT Press, of “The Atlas of New Librarianship” by R. David Lankes.

ALA 2012 Midwinter Meeting is in Dallas, January 20-24. We encourage you to register now, so you don’t miss out on this chance to join the conversation as you enrich your career, your library, and your community. Early bird registration ends Dec. 2, 2011.

Trendy Topics online conference on digital Reference September 14

TAP Information Services and the School of Library and Information Science at San Jose State University Announce: “Trendy Topics: Digital Reference” Online Conference
This will be the 7th in a dynamic series of online conferences on hot topics. Individuals and groups may participate from wherever works best – no need to travel.
Conference Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2010, beginning at 11:00 a.m. Eastern, 10:00 Central, 9:00 Mountain, and 8:00 Pacific.
Keynote Speakers:

  • Alison Miller from the Internet Public Library will provide the morning keynote on “Digital Reference Evolution.” She will address user needs and expectations along with librarian responses and best practices in the digital reference environment.
  • R. David Lankes from Syracuse University will provide the afternoon keynote on “Reference in the Crowd.” He will address creating a whole new reference unrecognizable by our predecessors and infinitely better.

Other Presenters:

  • Rose Chenoweth on “Virtual Valor”
  • Mary-Carol Lindbloom on “Days of Future Past and Digital Reference”
  • Samantha Thompson on “Virtual Reference in Virtual Worlds”
  • Lori Bell and Tom Schmidt on “Mobile Reference”

Conference Series website:
Conference schedule:
Register online:
(If you prefer to pay by check rather than online via credit card, please contact Tom Peters at [email protected].)
Registration Fees:

  • $40 for individuals
  • $100 for groups (that is, 3 or more individuals currently affiliated with the same organization. Group registration includes participating from up to 3 locations.)
  • $30 for students
  • San Jose State University SLIS faculty and students may participate at no charge. Please contact Lori Bell at [email protected] for a coupon code.

For more information on the Trendy Topics series of online conferences, please contact Lori Bell at [email protected] or Tom Peters at TAP Information Services at [email protected].

Conversants Keynote Title and Abstract

Here are the title and abstract for the keynote:

They Named the Building After Us: The Library as Conversation

The mission of librarians is to improve society through facilitating knowledge creation in their communities. Through service, innovation, and leadership librarians facilitate conversations in schools, communities, colleges, government, businesses, and beyond. It is this act of facilitation of knowledge in partnership with communities that makes a library – not collections, blogs, catalogs, or ivy on walls. This is the central premise of participatory librarianship. This keynote will explore the new role of librarians as a passionate and powerful force focused on the social good. It will present a unifying approach to librarianship that seeks to make sense of Library 2.0 and information commons alike.

Conversants Reminder

Tomorrow is the first deadline for submissions to the Conversants Online Conference/Conversation, however we will be accepting new program ideas throughout the duration of the conference. This message is intended to give you an update and some additional information on the conference.

We have already lined up sessions in gaming, assessment, and case studies in participatory contexts. We will also be working with SLA, METRO, and LITA to provide events as part of their unconference and library camp activities. If you are hosting an event coming up and want to have a discussion about participatory librarianship as part of it, let us know and we can provide materials and ideas.

Many thanks to the folks who have volunteered to host conversations as part of the conference. I think we are going to have some great discussions. Special thanks to ALA for working on getting us space at ALA annual for the hybrid event.

We will also be recording the conference Keynote on April 28th in Syracuse. If you are in the area and want to attend, let us know. Special thanks to the Central New York Library Resources Council for coordinating the event. If you are interested in hosting a live Q&A based on the keynote, please let us know.

We have also put up a blog at to keep you to date on new developments.

Below is some additional information on the kind of sessions we are looking for. If you have any questions, please let us know at [email protected] .


Description: We are seeking submissions of traditional long-form papers for publication in Conversants, an online open-access journal. These papers will use CommentPress to allow participants to comment upon and discuss the paper on a paragraph-by-paragraph basis.

Format: MSWord or equivalent, RTF, HTML


Description: We are also seeking time- and/or place-based events that can be archived and shared. Examples might include a SecondLife presentation, which can archived as a streaming video and shared with participants, or a podcast of a workshop or discussion that took place at a physical library.

Format: URL of publicly shared video or podcast, presentation or event


Description: Do you have an example of something that you did at your library that worked really well? Or that flopped spectacularly? Share your experience with your fellow Conversants! Creativity in format is encouraged.

Format: Open, but should be publicly available


Description: Present your research, tackle an idea or controversial topic, or present conflicting viewpoints of a current event. Everyone is welcome to submit poster proposals, but library students are especially encouraged to participate at this level.

Format: PDF, jpeg image


Description: Links to blog postings, open Facebook posts, etc., that will carry a conference badge.

Format: URL of publicly available website

Conversation Topics

Description: Topic ideas for “water cooler” threaded conversations. Proposals should include an overview of the topic, starter questions, [and a core of at least 5 people to seed/start conversation.?]

Format: Email containing this information

We will post very soon on the Conference hub location and details!

Please send Proposal submissions offers to:
[email protected]

For Proposal Submission, please include “Proposal for Conversants” in the subject.