More Pubs, More Fun

This is what one does with sabbaticals I suppose. Publish like crazy. My latest article has just been published online:

“Participatory Networks: The Library as Conversation” Lankes, R. David, Silverstein, J. L., Nicholson, S., Marshall, T. (2007) 12(4). Information Research. [Available at]

It is a variant of the tech brief geared more towards an academic audience.

I’ve also put a few more recent and older publications online. Added to:

Journal Articles

Book Chapters

Another Pub

I forgot, I have an article in the current issue of Searcher Magazine:

Library Association 2.0:
“Will That Be a Name Badge or a Wiki?”

Building on the concepts from a technology brief on the subject for ALA, David Lankes further explores the idea of collegial librarianship, defining what the phrase “participatory librarianship” means and how it connects to librarians and even patrons.

Paperback Writer

So things on the blog have been a bit slow because I have been pushing out a raft of articles related to participatory librarianship. Within the next few months the following articles should start changing from “forthcoming” to actual dates and issue numbers:

“Virtual Reference to Participatory Librarianship: Expanding the Conversation” Lankes, R. David (forthcoming). ASIS&T Bulletin

“Collecting Conversations in a Massive Scale World” Lankes, R. David (forthcoming). Library Resources & Technical Services

“The Ethics of Participatory Librarianship” Lankes, R. David (forthcoming). Journal of Library Administration

“Participatory Networks: The Library as Conversation” Lankes, R. David, Silverstein, J. L., Nicholson, S., Marshall, T. (forthcoming). Information Research

“Credibility on the Internet: Shifting From Authority to Reliability” Lankes, R. David (forthcoming). Journal of Documentation.

“Participatory Networks: The Library as Conversation.” Lankes, R. David, Silverstein, J. L., Nicholson, S. (forthcoming). Information Technology and Libraries.

Also, the last VRD book should hit the presses very soon.

Not bad for two months into a sabbatical.

Massive Scale Indeed

I ran across this picture today, and I think it says a lot about massive scale computing. What you are looking at is a gigabyte drive from about 20 years ago. What you might miss is that the hand in the upper right is holding a gigabyte of flash memory from today for about $20 (click picture to enlarge).

Pic 11905866446435

Google Video

I was looking to find a good streaming server for the video of my Philadelphia presentation. YouTube limits uploaded videos to 10 minutes, so that was out. Instead I tried Google Video. While not as social as YouTube, and a step harder to embed video, it works pretty well. See below: