The Death of the Document

“The Death of the Document” Program for Cooperative Cataloging, American Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Abstract: When a book becomes an ebook it looses more than simply its physical binding – it looses hard boundaries that separate the content of the book from its use. Online journals are not simply pictures of a traditional journal on a screen, but rather the foundations of intellectual communities. While today we hold on to terms such as book, journal, magazine and simply affix “e” to them, in truth, these terms of simply metaphors, an echo of an earlier analog reality. Online narratives, theses, and “how-to’s” become living documents bound closer to a multitude of contexts that defy traditional notions of information organization, already strained to the breaking point of scale. What is needed is a new approach to organizing knowledge, one based on context that occurs in the space between artifacts.


Lankes Named Next Director of Syracuse’s Library Science Program

From the Dean:

“I am very pleased to announce that Dave Lankes will be the next Director of our MLIS Program, beginning with a year of shadowing of current Director, Scott Nicholson. Dave, Scott, and I have been meeting recently and exploring some very exciting ideas for the program – which we will share shortly – so trust that the very positive trajectory of our MLIS Program will continue. Scott has had a wonderful tenure as Director, and we are extremely grateful for his excellent leadership. While we know he is a tough act to follow, Dave surely is the right person to take on the challenge.


Elizabeth D. Liddy | Dean & Trustee Professor| School of Information Studies
Syracuse University”

Fighting for the Soul of Libraries

“Fighting for the Soul of Libraries” New York State Library Assistants Association, Troy, NY

Abstract: Libraries are changing – transforming from quiet buildings with loud rooms to loud buildings with quiet rooms – from places for things to places for knowledge and learning. This change is too big and important. Every one from librarian to assistant to patron must help shape the future of our libraries. Come start the conversation.


Email Problems

If you sent me email this week, and was wondering why I hadn’t responded, it turns out my email has been screwed up. It should be OK now, but you’ll have to resend.