Communities Thread

There are 6 threads in the Atlas (in essence chapters) that come of the mission. Here is an introduction for the fourth on communities:

Next week I’ll finish posting the thread intros, and then videos about other things in the works related to the Atlas.


There is now a Twitter account for the Atlas: AtNewLib

2 Replies to “Communities Thread”

  1. Dr. Lankes – Will the Atlas be available for purchase at ACRL?

    I teach freshmen at Washburn University and also am an adjunct at Emporia State University in their library science graduate program. I appreciate your work and thank you!

    Keith Rocci
    Information Literacy Librarian
    Washburn University

    1. We’ll be selling at the rollout on the 31st. Should be plenty of copies there. I’ll post more details on when and where very soon.

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