“Jelly Babies, Katrina, and Libraries” Lankes, R. David (February 253 2015). Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals.
Scholar | Speaker | Writer | Teacher | Advocate
“Jelly Babies, Katrina, and Libraries” Lankes, R. David (February 253 2015). Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals.
Walter, S. & Lankes, R. David (2015). The Innovation Agenda. College & Research Libraries. 76(7). Available: http://crl.acrl.org/content/76/7/854.full.pdf+html
The Boring Patient. Lankes, R. David (2014). Jamesville, NY: Riland Publishing.
Expect More: Demanding Better Libraries For Today’s Complex World (Audio Book). Lankes, R. David (2014). Jamesville, NY: Riland Publishing.
“Libraries are Obsolete.” Lankes, R. David (Summer, 2012).18(2). OLA Quarterly.
Expect More:Demanding Better Libraries For Today’s Complex World. Lankes, R. David (2012). Jamesville, NY: Riland Publishing.
“Joining the Conversation: School Librarians as Facilitators of Learning.” Lankes, R. D. (February, 2012). 39(3). Teacher|Librarian pps. 8-12.
Lankes, R. David (2011). Forward. In Fontichiaro, K. and Hamilton, B. (Eds.), School libraries ebook project. Available: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SaWhOId9ZqywMuJaKfMIQjgyNl8f-SPEaQYF1TTnTLQ/edit?hl=en_US
The Atlas of New Librarianship. Lankes, R. David (2011). Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press.
Lankes, R. David (2010). Innovators wanted: No experience necessary? In Walter and Williams (Eds.), The expert library: Sustaining, staffing, and advancing the academic library in the 21st century. Association of College and Research Libraries.