A Longhorn Amongst the Tulips

With the generous support of the Dutch Library Association (thank you Klaas Gravestejin), I am headed to the Netherlands for a few weeks. There I’ll be spreading the word on the importance of centering librarianship on the communities we serve.

I am so looking forward to meeting with my Netherland colleagues. The country has long been a center of innovative librarianship. From Delft to Utrecht to Amsterdam to Tilburg to the amazing National Library of the Netherlands it is honestly more pilgrimage than a trip. I even get to catch up with folks like Irene Harmsen and the cohort of Community Librarians.

I am so looking forward to seeing colleagues and making new connections.

My current public event schedule:

29th MayInnovatie Dag Prodent Fabriek Amersfoort
4th JuneVisit Dutch StoryHouse  Cultura & Zo Nootdorp
6th JuneNational Members Netherlands Library Association for PL at Beeld and Geluid Hilversum

I’ll be posting slides and updates (and probably pictures of canals) here.

A special thank you to Erik Boekesteijn of the National Library for making this happen. Honestly, hanging with him is the real highlight of the trip.

Libraries of the Future, Wildest Dreams

Erik Boekesteijn made a fantastic video on some library thinkers talking about the library of the future. It was an honor to be on the virtual stage with Nick Poole, Jane Cowell, Sandy Hirsh, Futurist Lidewij Edelkoort at the Computers in Libraries 2024 conference.

LibrarianAI: Facilitation at the core of librarians role in AI

“LibrarianAI: Facilitation at the core of librarians role in AI.” Panel presentation at XX International Conference on University Libraries. Mexico CIty, Mexico

Abstract: To talk about what competencies librarians need in a world of ubiquitous AI has to start with rethinking the role of a librarian to begin with. Librarians should not compete with AI to be the objective answer machine, but instead be active facilitators of knowledge and fight for their communities.


Video from Neutinamu, South Korea

Young-Sook “Soy” Park and the amazing folks at the Neutinamu library made a few videos of my visit to the library, and the conversation we had about community-based libraries.

An overview of the trip – short and sweet
My talk and conversation on new librarianship and Expect More

OF the People

“OF the People.” National Assembly Busan Library. Busan, Korea.

Abstract: National and parliamentary libraries are searching for a new mission. In this presentation I argue for a public facing mission reinforcing the infrastructure of democracy through local public libraries.
