My opening remarks and answering questions for a webinar celebrating the launch of the Italian translation of the New Librarianship Field Guide. The full webinar (in Italian) is here:
Field Guide Translated into Italian

I am overjoyed that The New Librarianship Field Guide has not been translated into Italian. Thanks to Anna Maria Tammaro and the team at EDITRICE BIBLIOGRAFICA and MIT Press.
More info and purchase at EDITRICE BIBLIOGRAFICA
Guida alla biblioteconomia moderna
Guida alla biblioteconomia moderna. Lankes, R. David (2022). Milan, Italy: Editrice Bibliografica
What is a Library if the Building is Closed?
“What is a Library if the Building is Closed?” Gigabit Libraries. via Video Conference.
Abstract:Â A discussion of what is a library when the physical space is closed and a New Normal Agenda.
You can watch the presentation and interview here:
My part starts at about 36 minutes in.
New Librarianship
“New Librarianship.” Texas Woman’s University Webinar.
Abstract:Â A discussion of concepts in new librarianship.
Slides: Slides in PDF
Forget the Future: Our Time is Now
“Forget the Future: Our Time is Now” RUSA President’s Program, American Library Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.
Slides:Â Slides in PDF
Speech Text: Read Speaker Script
Abstract: Our communities-our colleges, our towns, our schools, our businesses-need us. As those we serve face growing tensions of nationalism, xenophobia, racism, extremist politics, and social media sites that seems better at building filter bubbles than societies there is a need for a community of professional dedicated to the common good and founded on knowledge. However, our communities don’t need us to gate keep a collection, offer up workshops, or staff a building. They need us adding value to their lives with them in their homes, classrooms, offices, and devices. This talk will explore how reference and user services not only remain relevant, but mobilize to addresses the real challenges of today’s community.
Every year the University of South Carolina’s School of Library and Information Science have a hooding ceremony for graduating librarians in Rutledge Chapel on the historic Horseshoe of campus.
The chapel is in Rutledge College, the first building built for the South Carolina College – now the University of South Carolina – in 1805. It was built, in part, with slave labor.
Continue reading “Forget the Future: Our Time is Now”
The Social Responsibility of the Library and the Librarian in a Post-Factual World
[Please note that this presentation is only half of the full session. The second half included a discussion with Nicole Cooke of the University of Illinois, Miguel Figueroa of ALA’s Center for the Future, and Scott Walter the University Librarian of DePaul University. Unfortunately I was not set up to record their insightful remarks.]
“The Social Responsibility of the Library and the Librarian in a Post-Factual World” Dominican University School of Information Studies Annual Follett Lecture. Chicago, IL.
Abstract: Introduction to a panel discussion on neutrality and objectivity in librarianship.
Slides:Â Slides in PDF
The Social Responsibility of the Library and the Librarian in a Post-Factual World from R. David Lankes on Vimeo.
A Knowledge Organization in an Age of Alternative Facts
“A Knowledge Organization in an Age of Alternative Facts” Sarasota County Public Library Staff Development Day. Sarasota, FL.
Abstract: Communities need the public library now more than ever. In an era when neighbors are more divided than ever, and even the nature of truth and facts are in question, ho do librarians best serve their community? This presentation makes the argument that our communities do not need more information literacy, a greater emphasis on quality information, or a neutral institution. Rather our communities need trusted partners helping weave together common understandings of events and priorities.
Slides:Â Slides in PDF
Here’s the actual video of the presentation:
Lankes Interview with Inside Higher Ed
Here is a nice short interview on the academic library ideas presented in my new book The New Librarianship Field Guide. To be clear the book is about all sorts of librarians and libraries.
Field Guide Related Links by Chapter
As people are starting to get their hands on the New Librarianship Field Guide I have put up a few items to make it more useful. Check out the Field Guide Related Links by Chapter. It gives you a “tweet able” core concept for each chapter and links to videos and presentations related to the topic. My hope is to keep this as a growing resource, and feel free to send me links and additional resource to add.
I’ve also put up a landing page for the book with quick access to new blog posts and materials around the guide.