The World Tour Adds Dates in Italy and Vatican City!

Please Note: This post is being updated with more details as they become available.

ITALIANFISHThe Expect More World Tour rolls on. There is a great deal of interest in New Librarianship and a community focus for libraries in Italy particularly after the publication of the Atlas of New Librarianship (L’atlante della biblioteconomia moderna) in Italian. To meet with the folks interested in a new approach to libraries I’ve added four dates:

Pistoria Library

July 10, 2015 Pistoia, Italy
Supported by the U.S. Embassy in Rome
Topic: Community as Collection

National Library of Rome

July 13, 2015 Rome, Italy
Topic: Participatory Librarianship & LIS Education
Where: National Library of Rome
Organized jointly with AIB (Associazione Italiana Biblioteche) and the National Board

The American University of Rome

July 14, 2015 Rome, Italy
Supported by the U.S. Embassy in Rome

Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut te Rome / Vatican School of Librarianship

July 15, 2015 Rome, Italy
Supported by the Vatican Library School, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, URBS, KNIR, U.S. Embassy in Rome
Topic: The Changing Role of Librarians in Learning

A special note of thanks to Gimena Campos Cervera and the U.S. Embassy in Rome  for support and logistics. In addition to the support of the embassy, thanks to Syracuse University’s iSchool for trip support. Also a big thank you to Anna Maria Tammaro of the University of Parma and Raffaella Vincenti of the Vatican Library/Vatican School of Librarianship.

Please Sign Up

This is a reminder to please sign up for the 2nd Annual Lankes Family Red Cross Blood Drive on Wednesday, June 3rd, from 1-7p.m. It will be held at Holy Cross Church in Dewitt, NY. We really need your help. We are trying to beat last year’s 50 units goal.

You can sign up by calling the Red Cross at 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit

For those of you not in the area but who would like to help let me encourage you to donate platelets at your local Red Cross. Cancer patients who need platelets (like I did) can only take platelets harvested at the center.

I cannot stress enough that it is through the generosity of folks just like you that I am alive today. An hour of your time can save multiple lives. One unit of whole blood can become treatments for many. The summer months are particularly important for blood donation. Patients have had surgeries and vital procedures delayed because of low availability in the local blood bank. You will also get cookies!

Also as a reminder, you can download my latest book for free as a thank you. More information can be found at:

Thank you, and to drive home the point, here is a pleading puppy. Look into those eyes and say no…I dare you.


Expecting More From Our Libraries

“Expecting More From Our Libraries” New York Library Trustees Association. Syracuse, NY.

Abstract: Wondering how your library’s expansion into broader programs, technology classes, Maker Spaces and more relate to the library’s role in your community? Get a better feel for the big picture as our libraries play a vital role in community engagement.


Here is a link to the Expect More book I mentioned.

2nd Annual Lankes Family Red Cross Blood Drive

A Message From the Lankes Family:

Please join us on Wednesday, June 3rd, from 1-7p.m. for the 2nd Annual Lankes Family Red Cross Blood Drive. It will be held at Holy Cross Church in Dewitt, NY.

David was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2013. He underwent a stem cell transplant and is now 1 year cancer free! This blood drive is a way for our family to give back to the individuals who helped save his life.

Last year, our goal was to collect 50 units of blood and thanks to the generosity of our friends and community, we were able to collect 66 units! These units helped 198 individuals! Please consider taking time during your day to help us save lives. To schedule your appointment, call the Red Cross at 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit

All donors will also receive a Red Cross t-shirt!

As an added incentive, and to tell you our story, We’re making David’s latest book, The Boring Patient, available as a free download leading up to the event.

Click here for the Kindle version

Click here for ePub

Any updates or additional announcements can be found here.

Radical’s Guide to New Librarianship Update

Greetings all. There was a great deal of activity around my new book, a librarian-oriented follow-up to the Atlas of New Librarianship, at the beginning of the year. Well, it is 4 months later and there has been a lot of progress. Of course most of that progress is between me and my word processor, so I thought it would be useful to bring folks up to speed.

The first update is that the working title of the book has changed. The Radical’s Guide to New Librarianship is now The New Librarianship Field Guide. Folks made it very clear in my call for input they were looking for a book that was more linear, filled with more actionable examples, and was at it’s core about implementation. So the Field Guide now includes lots of examples, discussion questions, and field observations on implementing and teaching these ideas. To be clear I still talk about librarians as radical positive change agents.

I’m changing the pages on my site to reflect the new working title over the next few days. All the “Radical Conversations” will remain.

The other reason for the change is that Field Guide is being designed for use on the go. Not only will it be a highly portable paperback, but it will be available from the get go as an ebook. So the hope is that you can use it on the front lines with librarians and other library staff.

The big update is that the first really rough draft is now out for comments from the New Librarianship Collaborative (Wendy Newman, Kim Silk, and Lauren Britton). I’m including the current table of contents below and I need your help.

You’ll see that Chapter 19 is titled “FAQs (Frequently Argued Questions).” I’m looking for your questions or the issues that pop up when you are trying to implement the community-centric, community as collection idea. I can’t promise to include them all, but I would like to provide responses to as many as possible. You’ll see a few examples already under that chapter (and a special thanks to Lane Wilkinson for letting me use his blog post to get the ball rolling).

So email me, or use the comments below.

Here’s the current Table of Contents:

  • Chapter 1: Librarianship Full Stop
    • The New Language of Librarianship
      • “Radical”
      • “New Librarianship”
      • “Member”
    • Acknowledging the Atlas in the Room
    • Structure of the Guide


  • Chapter 2: They Named the Building After Us
  • Chapter 3: The Mission of Librarians
    • A Very Brief History of Libraries
    • A Two Part Mission
    • Your Mission is Not Unique
    • Stand for Something or Fall for Everything
  • Chapter 4: Knowledge Creation
    • Information is a Lie
    • Knowledge, Knowing, and Pragmatism
    • Recorded Knowledge is a Lie Too
    • So What is Knowledge?
    • 1+1=Climate Change?!
    • I’ll Have the Dialect Theory with a Side of Constructivism Please
      • Conversants
        • Trust Me, I’m a Librarian
      • Language
      • Agreements
      • Memory
    • The Practicalities of Being in the Conversation Business
  • Chapter 5: Facilitation
    • Access
    • Knowledge
    • Environment
    • Motivation
    • All Together Now
  • Chapter 6: Participatory Systems
    • Pressure for participation
      • The Pressure to Converse
      • The Pressure for Change
      • The Pressure for Social Interaction
      • The Pressure of Limited Resource
      • The Pressure at the Boundaries
    • What Should Be
      • Go to the Conversation
      • Focus on Aspirations not Problems
  • Chapter 7: Improve Society
    • Service
    • Learning
    • Openness
    • Intellectual Freedom and Safety
    • Intellectual Honesty
    • So What is a Librarian?
  • Chapter 8: Librarians
    • The Salzburg Curriculum
      • Transformative Social Engagement
      • Technology
      • Asset Management
      • Cultural Skills
      • Knowledge, Learning, and Innovation
      • Management for Participation
        • Advocacy and Librarianship by Wendy Newman
        • Assessment
  • Chapter 9: Pragmatic Utopians


  • Chapter 10: What is a Library
    • A Library is a Funded Mandate
    • Facilitated Space
    • Stewards
  • Chapter 11: Saving Money and the World
    • Collective Buying Agent
    • Economic Stimulus
    • Center of Learning
    • Safety Net
      • An Assured Path to Irrelevance or An Outright Impeachment of Our Basic Principles
    • Steward of Cultural Heritage
    • Third Space
    • Cradle of Democracy
      • Democracy and Transparency
      • Democracy and Access
      • Democracy and Education
      • Democracy and Higher Expectations
    • Symbol of Community Aspirations
  • Chapter 12: A Platform for Knowledge Development
    • A System of Systems
    • From Lending to Sharing
    • What’s Your Passion
    • Components of the Library Platform
      • Access Provision
      • Knowledge Creation
      • Environment
      • Motivation
  • Chapter 13: Fitting Knowledge in a Box
    • Daedalus’ Maze
    • Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, But What About Academic Libraries
  • Chapter 14: Academic Libraries
    • A Library with an Integrated Research and Development Agenda
    • Integrating Students Across the Campus in Library Service
    • The Library Serves as a Hub for New Forms of Instruction
    • Reinventing the Academic Press to be a Publisher of the Community
    • Making the Most Important Decision a Faculty Makes More Informed
    • Academic Library Conclusion
  • Chapter 15: School Libraries
    • iTeams by Sue Kowalski
    • iTeams Take-Aways
  • Chapter 16: Public Libraries
    • Community Reference
    • Public Library Summary
  • Chapter 17: Engines of Advancement

From Mission to Missionary

  • Chapter 18: Battle Plan for the Faithful
    • Continuing Education
      • Expect More World Tour
        • Lack of Staff
        • Fear of Failure
      • ILEAD USA
      • New Librarianship Master Class
    • Key Success Factors
      • Emphasize Teachable Skills
      • Link to Longstanding Concepts
      • Build Cohorts
      • Use Projects and Inquiry When Possible
      • Cross Boundaries
      • Demonstrate Comfort with Ambiguity
      • Build Communities Not Websites
      • Provide Opportunities for Introspection and Inspiration
  • Chapter 19: FAQs (Frequently Argued Questions)
    • Open question #1: What about fiction?
    • Open question #2: What about librarians who don’t work in public services?
    • Open question #3: What about the autodidacts?
    • Open question #4: What about non-institutional libraries?
    • This Approach Doesn’t Work for Small Libraries
    • New Librarianship is Just for Public Libraries
    • Your Turn
  • Chapter 20: Coda



Lankes to Keynote 125th NYLA Conference

assnbannerThe New York Library Association is joining the Expect More World Tour this October.

On Thursday, October 22 from 9:00 – 10:15 AM in Lake Placid, NY Lankes will give the keynote for the association’s 125th annual conference: NYLA125: Explore. Learn. Grow.

The talk will be titled “Day 45,626″

Here’s the abstract:

This year NYLA celebrates its 125th anniversary (45,625 days). 45,625 days ago Melvil Dewey, one of NYLA’s founders, saw the future of libraries in standardization, efficiency, and industrialization. 45,625 days ago the future of libraries was in shared structures, shared methods, and librarians devoted to the maintenance of institutional libraries. On day 45,626 this is the formula for disaster. On day 45,626 the future of libraries is in librarians building libraries around the unique communities they serve. The success of the next 125 years is intimately tied to the success of the counties, cities, towns, and villages of New York. Our next 125 years is in the dreams and aspirations of New York’s citizens, students, and scholars not our stacks.

Click here for all the details.

Massachusetts Library Association Pre-Conference Invite

Expect More Worcester EMInvite3

Greetings all,

We’re putting together a pre-conference session for the Massachusetts Library Association as part of the Expect More World Tour in May and you are invited. If you’re in the area, please sign up (it’s free) and come join the conversation.

Here are the details and the actual invite:

Tuesday, Tuesday May 5, 2015
8:30 a.m. – 12 noon
DCU Center
Room E
50 Foster Street
Worcester, MA 01608
Coffee, refreshments and snacks
Space is limited, so please RSVP
online at Eventbrite:
or by calling (800) 494-9330

It is free and open to all comers (we just ask that you pre-register).

Click here for the official Invite

Atlas Companion Site is Moving

UPDATE: The URL has been redirected (though it can take up to a day for the change to take effect).

New Atlas Screen ShotThe contents of the Atlas of New Librarianship’s companion site are moving from a stand alone server to my site to join all the other New Librarianship activities.

You can access all that content now here:

Next week I will begin redirecting the URL to the New Librarianship pages of my blog. So you can use that URL to get information on the Atlas, Expect More, and all related activities.

I’d like to thank the IT folks at ALA for hosting the site to this point. I’d also like to thank Liz Crowder, my great Faculty Assistant for doing the moving.

Please let me know if you see any issues with the new site.

Keynotes From ILEAD USA March

My favorite professional development project started a new cohort (in 10 different states) in March. Below are links to just the keynotes from that session. All are awesome and well worth your time (with the exception of that Lankes character who talks too much).

Everything You Learned in Library School is Wrong 

David Lankes, Syracuse University, School of Information Studies, Syracuse, New York.  Professor and Dean’s Scholar on New Librarianship

We all know that Libraries are Good and Necessary Things and Libraries Collect, Organize, and Provide Access to Information. That’s what we were taught in library school right? Except of course, they don’t. Libraries don’t do anything except exert gravity and shield you from the rain. It is librarians and the people in the library that makes the world a better place. Collections are just tools, like buildings, and books, and databases, and 3D printers. This keynote will focus on how librarians are radical positive change agents that make communities better.

Inspired Outreach Inspired 

John Emerson, an activist, graphic designer, writer, and programmer based in New York City creator of

How do you engage the hearts and minds of your audience? Connect and empower with outreach that makes people say “Aha!” and “Let’s do it!”

FLATLAND:  A Statistical Romance of Many Dimensions.

Eli Neiburger, Associate Director, IT and Production, Ann Arbor District 

In which our Hero, A. Librarian, must search for scalars amidst an increasingly flat landscape, with which to earn the favor of capricious higher-dimensional beings, before her entire world collapses to a single ultradense font of information, only to find that the only dimension that truly matters is   LOVE.

Perspectives and Advice on Accessibility and Universal Design

Sina Bahram, an accessibility consultant, researcher, and entrepreneur

Join Sina Bahram as he walks through the concepts of accessibility and universal design. These core principles are fundamental to understanding how to be relevant in the 21st century to all audiences regardless of physical or cognitive ability. Through exploring a narrative about technology, access to information and the physical world, and practical tips and tricks about steps any of us can take, Sina will both motivate and show us how to augment our content, interactions, and thinking to become more inclusive.

“Great People Make Great Libraries:  Know Yourself.  Grow Yourself.  And Take Your Library With You!”

David Bendekovic, President, The B. A. David Company, Syracuse, New York  

Your ability to reach your goals has as much to do with how you choose to see the world as it does with your level of education and intelligence.  This keynote will give you the keys to thinking in a more powerful way about yourself, the people around you, and the work you want to get done. What You Do Makes A Difference. You Just Have To Figure Out What Kind Of Difference You Want To Make.

Everything You Learned in Library School is Wrong

Please note I have added a new cleaner audio track to this presentation (and the audio download) as well as adding a YouTube version of the presentation (in case you like to see me walking around).

“Everything You Learned in Library School is Wrong” ILEAD USA. Springfield, IL.

Abstract: We all know that Libraries are Good and Necessary Things and Libraries Collect, Organize, and Provide Access to Information. That’s what we were taught in library school right? Except of course, they don’t. Libraries don’t do anything except exert gravity and shield you from the rain. It is librarians and the people in the library that makes the world a better place. Collections are just tools, like buildings, and books, and databases, and 3D printers. This keynote will focus on how librarians are radical positive change agents that make communities better.




Everything You Learned in Library School is Wrong from R. David Lankes on Vimeo.

Video of Presentation