“Digital Reference Research: Fusing Research and Practice”

The article, entitled “Digital Reference Research: Fusing Research and Practice” presents the Digital Reference Research agenda developed as a result of a three-day symposium at Harvard University. It shows how the research agenda ties directly to digital reference and library practice and argues that research and practice must connect on a meaningful level in order to prevent unusable research and untestable practice.

Lankes Opens Workbench

There is a long tradition of scientists â??going to the benchâ?? to conduct hands on experiments to flesh out a theory and gain invaluable empirical evidence. In that light, Lankes launches a new feature on his website, the Research Workbench. This section of the site will provide access to ongoing experiments and ideas in their very earliest stages.

This area is part of Lankesâ?? â??open effortâ?? initiative. The workbench, in conjunction with â??Ideaâ?? postings to his blog are attempts to share ideas at their earliest stages of development with the research and practice communities. The hope is to spur ongoing conversations about digital library and digital reference research and development.

Currently â??on the benchâ?? are the Bibliomancer, a digital reference based search engine, and information on the Bibliocasting podcasting listserv.

Lankes Invited to China for Digital Library Conference

From the invitation:

On 6th-8th September 2004, the National Library of China will hold the international conference of ‘Digital Library-Advance the Efficiency of Knowledge Utilization’. The honorary director of the conference organizing committee is Mr. Zhou Heping, Deputy Cultural Minister of the People Republic of China, and the director is Mr. Ren Jiyu, Director of the National Library of China. We will invite about 30 experts in the field of digital library as the invited speakers.

Due to your outstanding achievement in the field of digital library, we are pleased to invite you as the invited speaker to make a 40 minutes speech about Digital Reference Service.

Click here to see the conference website.

Lankes Chosen to Moderate Library of Congress Luminary Lecture on LIS Education

Lankes will moderate a panel discussing LIS education for the Library of Congress’ Luminary Lecture Series .

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Library and Information Science Education Panel: Serving the Needs of the Profession and the Academy. Tuesday, March 16th, 11:00 am -1:00 pm

There is an ongoing tension in the LIS field between the demands of preparing professionals and the forward-looking research mission of many of today’s LIS programs. How can this seeming division between research and practice be bridged in curriculum, delivery modes (distance education), and accreditation? How are today’s LIS programs serving the existing profession and helping shape the profession of tomorrow? This panel discussion will explore current thinking in the LIS academy and seek to highlight the sometime precarious balance of LIS education.

Lankes Chosen to Moderate Library of Congress Luminary Lecture on LIS Education

Library and Information Science Education Panel: Serving the Needs of the Profession and the Academy. Tuesday, March 16th, 11:00 am -1:00 pm

There is an ongoing tension in the LIS field between the demands of preparing professionals and the forward-looking research mission of many of today’s LIS programs. How can this seeming division between research and practice be bridged in curriculum, delivery modes (distance education), and accreditation? How are today’s LIS programs serving the existing profession and helping shape the profession of tomorrow? This panel discussion will explore current thinking in the LIS academy and seek to highlight the sometime precarious balance of LIS education.