Thought Provoking Video

This video has been making the rounds. I have a very split reaction to it. Part of me really likes the message and I think it is a very apt statement on why we must constantly innovate. It’s not that what we are doing currently is wrong, but the world shifts, so we must constantly re-evaluate and innovate to keep up. Yea!

It would be easy to leave it at that. However, the academic in me is constantly bugged by the lack of any form of citation…who says this? Where can I go for more information on these topics? Great I want to take action…but I need more than a video clip to motivate my community.

So a great little think piece, but it could be so much more with a simple link to a set of supporting documents.

Anyway, here it is.

One Reply to “Thought Provoking Video”

  1. David,
    I am a big fan of your website and keep reading your blogs. Even though these clippings are lacking the citations but overall the message sounds true to me. I grossly studied the statistics related to india, and found correct.

    But the point is, most probably we all know what it wanted to say (even before it says) and only difference is that we have not plotted the figures and did the calculations.


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