I Want Your Blood…Donated

As many of you know, I have been battling Hodgkin’s Lymphoma for the past year. I’ve been through chemo and most recently a stem cell transplant. Throughout this entire ordeal, I have received numerous blood transfusions that have enabled me to keep fighting. Through the kindness of others, I have been able to live.

So, to pay it forward, my wife, friends, and I are coordinating a blood drive with the American Red Cross on Wednesday, June 4th. It will take place at Holy Cross Church in Dewitt, NY from 1:00-7:00pm. We are asking everyone to please consider coming out and donating blood that day. It’s such a wonderful thing you can do for those who really could use your help. It takes about an hour of your time although the actual donation takes about 10 minutes.

You can contact my wife directly ([email protected]) to set up an appointment or call the American Red Cross. Please join us in giving back to our community!

I’d also ask my area librarian friends to post a flyer (download it here) on any community boards you may have. And feel free to pass this along to others who may be able to help. Together we can make a difference! Thank you.

Blood Drive

4 Replies to “I Want Your Blood…Donated”

  1. Dave: I will be away on vacation on this date, but I will plan to donate at my first opportunity. Most of the Blood Drives in my area are, I believe, done by the Syracuse Red Cross.

  2. Hi,
    I am in Australia so will contact our blood drive here. I have shared this on twitter (I seem to have more relationships in the US than Aus on twitter!). I love your pay it forward.
    Thank you

  3. A terrific idea. Dave, I will do this down here in NC in the spirit of your blood drive.

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