AskA Services

“AskA Services” Lankes, R. David (1998) 1(3) The Big6 Newsletter: Teaching Technology and Information Skills. Linworth Publishing, Inc. Worthington, OH. (invited article)

Presenting a Good Image

“Presenting a Good Image” Lankes, R. David (1998) 1(5) The Big6 Newsletter: Teaching Technology and Information Skills. Linworth Publishing, Inc. Worthington, OH. (invited article)


“Intranets” Lankes, R. David (1997) 1(1) The Big6 Newsletter: Teaching Technology and Information Skills. Linworth Publishing, Inc. Worthington, OH. (invited article)

Web Authoring

“Web Authoring” Lankes, R. David (1997) 1(2) The Big6 Newsletter: Teaching Technology and Information Skills. Linworth Publishing, Inc. Worthington, OH. (invited article)

Building the Virtual Reference Desk

Building the Virtual Reference Desk. Lankes, R. D. (1997). In Collis, B and Knezek, G. (Ed.), Teaching and learning in the digital age: Research into practice with telecommunications in educational settings (pp. 119-128). University of North Texas, Denton, TX: TCET.