…and Whatever

The following was a letter I wrote for a party celebrating Mike Eisenberg’s achievements as a dean at the University of Washington. If you know Mike, read on. If you don’t, this probably won’t make much sense.


A Salute to Michael Eisenberg
Dean Emeritus

By R. David LankesI have known Mike as a boss, a mentor, a colleague, a business partner and a friend. I owe a great deal of my success to Mike. He always took the time to help me, and guide me. It is telling, however, to realize that much of this guidance came at street corners, U.S. Airways Clubs, and in cab rides. Scott Walters talked about Mikeâ??s â??drive by advisingâ?? style. It made me remember that Mike and I actually agreed on my dissertation topic at a Skychiefâ??s baseball game.

But Iâ??m convinced that the key to Mikeâ??s success is not what he says, or even where he says it. His success is in what he doesnâ??t say…specifically what he hides behind the phrase â??and whatever.â??

Many are the times Iâ??ve been in a meeting with Mike where he begins speaking, begins a sentence, and then ends with â??and whateverâ?? as if we all know what he skipped. â??Weâ??re going to create a new Internet service called AskERIC. It will answer teachers questions…and whatever.â?? â??So your going to do a dissertation on complex systems where you study and whatever.â?? â??Ok, so youâ??re going to give us a million dollars and weâ??ll…whatever.â??

For the longest time I thought Mike was thinking faster than his mouth would work. That locked behind â??and whateverâ?? was a complex series of plans, details and thoughts. That he had simply played out the entire conversation in his mind, much as a chess master can look ten moves into the future, and that he couldnâ??t be bothered to translate those plans into words. Then, I realized his true brilliance…he had no idea what came after the first part of the sentence.

What a scam! He would state some titillating and dramatic idea and then throw in a â??and whateverâ?? allowing the listener to fill in the details. It is like a bizarre verbal Mad Libs game where he hands you the story with massive blanks and has you fill in the rest. The audience choosing what is best for them, finds it a perfect match to their needs, and then attributes the results to Mike. All he has to do is prompt you for an answer and take credit…brilliant.

Think of the implications. He could receive the Nobel Prize in medicine with his daring work on stem cells, summed up in his 2007 paper â??Curing Cancer with Stem Cells by…and Whatever.â?? He could win the Newbery Medal for Children’s literature for his best selling book of one page entitle â??Little Red Riding Hood went into the woods and Whatever.â??

I attribute this devious methodology to Mikeâ??s early work in relevance. I have no doubt that Mike quickly discovered that the less actual content a document contains, the wider the potential relevance of the document. By simply sprinkling a document with grand pronouncements and not being weighed down by details, or reality an item can be seen as relevant to a mass of unsuspecting user population…letâ??s call it the Eisenberg Coefficient of relevance…the fewer the facts, the greater the appeal. No one could fault Mike for this discovery, we just wish he hadnâ??t shared it with the Republicans.

This of course brings me to some of Mikeâ??s other, lesser known contributions to the information science literature. There is the ongoing experiment into how numeric qualifiers can be used to achieve economic gain…Big Six, Little Twelve, Super 3…word on the street is that in following Appleâ??s iPod Nano success, the Microscopic 24 is on the way…and he may well copyright the Big Red One.

And who could forget Eisenbergâ??s Model of Funding Scaffolding Saturation. Mike empirically proved that you can get more money out of a funding source by constantly adding costs until the funder simply gives up:

Mike: We can do that project for you for $300,000
Funder: That sounds reasonable.
Mike: Then thereâ??s overhead.
Funder: Of course.
Mike: And travel.
Funder: Thatâ??s not part of the 300k?
Mike: No
Funder: OK
Mike: That will be for 6 months.
Funder: I thought a Year…we really donâ??t have 600k for a year
Mike: How about 400k, we could probably get by on 400k for the year
Funder: I guess so.
Mike: Of course that will add to the overhead and travel…

The list could go on, but I will end on my favorite of Mikeâ??s hidden theories, The Saint Peterâ??s Test of Success that followed up on Katzerâ??s Law on Change…â??change is like heaven, everyone agrees it is a good idea, but no one wants to go first.â?? The Saint Peterâ??s Test from Mike is surprising considering both Mikeâ??s quantitative background and the fact that he is, well, Jewish. In this test one comes before Saint Peter standing before the Gates of Heaven. Saint Peter asks you â??Well, did you leave it better than you found it?â?? It is a seemingly simple test, but it does tend to simplify the questions around what is success. Perhaps it is also fitting to talk about this test at this point in Mikeâ??s career. For indeed, with Mikeâ??s work in schools, his leadership in information, his impact at Syracuse, and his amazing legacy at the University of Washington, Mike has already passed the Saint Peterâ??s Test with a lot of room to spare. I look forward to seeing what Mike does next.

New Site Coming Soon

That’s right, a new homepage is underway. As some of you may know, I like to use my home site as a sort of playground for new technologies. This one has gotten a bit…out of hand. So it’s time to simplify and get back to providing information quick and easy. Don’t worry, rss feeds will remain the same.

VRD Redux

It is ironic that I pushed blogging so hard at this year’s VRD and didn’t actually do any blogging during the conference…well, a few StoryStarter posts. I wanted to give some more information on my last post and the status of VRD 2006 (post to Dig_Ref soon).

The VRD conferences have been part of an ongoing contract with the U.S. Department of Education (the Education Digital Library Initiative). This contract ended in June 2005. This funding paid for program development and staff time. OCLC joined the contract in 2002 and has handled the logistics of the conference (they have always insisted they have nothing to do with the program to avoid any perception of bias, and have been the best partners anyone could ask for). While the conference has always been able to cover its own expenses, OCLC, and this year SU, donated a sizable chunk of staff time to make this happen. With the end of the contract, and a seven year run, we and OCLC have decided it is time to turn the conference over to the virtual reference community.

What does that mean? Well, it means that as a community we need to come up with resources to run VRD 8 if we (the virtual reference community) decide it is worthwhile. We need volunteers to put the program together, we need an organization to handle the logistics (registration, program printing, etc), and we need a place to host 300-400 folks. That could be a hotel, or a campus, or a conference center. Bottom line, we need to come up a with a community and point organization that wants to keep VRD going. This is, by the way, how VRD started. VRD 99 was co-hosted with Harvard and NELINET, 2000 with the University of Washington, and 2001 with Florida State.

Let me be clear, we’re not talking money (that would help), but time. You could volunteer to review papers, or staff the desk, or whatever. If you are in an organization that can provide space, or wants to expand a current virtual reference event to an international audience, that would be great.

In about a week or so OCLC and we are going to schedule a conference call to get together those interested in continuing the conference. If you are interested, please contact either George Needham or me, or watch out for the call information.

I think a VRD 2006 would be great, and I plan on being as involved as this community wants. However, it is time for that community to decide if they need VRD, and if they do, step up.

VRD 7 a Success

Thanks to all for making this year another successful VRD conference. As announced at the closing session, there will be no VRD 8 unless the virtual reference community steps up and takes it over. Keep your eyes out for more information on a December conference call for folks interested in volunteering and adopting the Virtual Reference Desk Conference. The future of the conference is in your hands.

VRD is Coming

Lankes is gearing up for the 7th Virtual Reference Desk Conference – this year in San Francisco! Every year has provided the best information on virtual reference, and set the agenda for the whole reference community for the year. There will be a lot of news and events at this conference. You shouldn’t miss it.

Check out the conference website http://www.vrd2005.org

Seattle Innovation Symposium

I’ve been invited to a symposium at the University of Washington to discuss faster economic transfer of research and innovation in information, computer, and management science.

From the invitation:

We write to invite you to join us at the University of Washington on September 13 and 14,
2005, in launching a unique series of research symposia investigating the creation of new billion
dollar market segments in the 21st Century. By bringing together and building a network of multi-
disciplined leaders in the study of innovation, we believe that we, collectively, can reduce the
time to transfer new innovation into economic value.

For the past year, a number of us have been researching and meeting to discuss the
innovation process that leads to new billion dollar market segments like 3Com in Networking,
Adobe in graphics, Google in search, Real Networks in Internet video, and Amazon in e-retailing.
Nineteen new billion dollar market segments came out of Internet1 research and innovations, each
segment seemingly arose from a unique and rather messy innovation process taking 10 to 15

We are now at the cusp of a second surge of emerging billion dollar market segments as
the Internet has reached ubiquity and deep penetration into business and the home, our work and
play. As this phenomenon is occurring, however, its speed and efficiency is slowed by limited
understanding of the innovation process that enables new market segments and companies to
emerge. All too often, innovation is undermined by reliance on out-dated management practices
and communications breakdowns between creators and managers.

The organizers of the symposium are: Mike Eisenberg, Dean, UW Information School; Ed Lazowska. UW Computer Sciences; Dick Nolan, UW Business School; and Rob Austin Harvard Business School