Libraries as Platforms of World Domination

“Libraries as Platforms of World Domination” ILEAD USA. Springfield, IL.

Abstract: Integrating the community into the collection is not a gimmick or a fad. Making community expertise a direct part of what the library offers – what the library is is not only possible, but essential. This session wraps in 9 states to work on the issue. Special thanks to Cheryl Gould for sharing her facilitation methods.
Twitter Stream: PDF


Libraries as Platforms of World Domination from R. David Lankes on Vimeo.

Communities in Crisis

“Communities in Crisis” Association des bibliothécaires français. Strasbourg, FR (via video).

Abstract: How do libraries respond in times of crisis? They dive deeper into their communities. Is this an act of politics? Yes.




This video has French captioning. A very heartfelt thank you to Nathalie CLOT, Directrice Bibliothèque universitaire d’Angers and Raphaelle Bats for the translation and opportunity.

Below is the timecoded translation:

Continue reading “Communities in Crisis”

Join the Expect More Collaboratory

Four Years ago I wrote Expect More: Demanding Better Libraries For Today’s Complex World to start a conversation between librarians and the communities they serve. Since that time thousands have used the book to start conversations, teach students, do board development, and even shape director and dean searches. The time has come to take Expect More to the next step: The Expect More Collaboratory.

This is a call to join partners in expanding Expect More into a comprehensive and expanding set of community building resources. These resources will include online learning events for library decision makers, a physical and digital workbook, and an ongoing series of engagements to advocate for greater community focus and involvement in libraries. The Expect More Collaboratory will deliver a multimedia web-based curriculum for use by librarians with boards, principals, provosts, and communities.

So consider this a call for crowd sourcing. Please help in preparing our communities for better libraries. I’ve put together a site for more information and a brief video call for participation.

Expect More Collaboratory (*


*Please note this used to point to the Expect More World Tour, and you may need to refresh your browser. The direct link is