Blogging Software

I use WordPress. Some might wonder why the StoryStarters decided to start with WordPress integration before other blogging packages. The same reasons apply to why I use it for my personal blog:

Active development community that keeps it secure
Excellent anti-spam features
Excellent blogging features including calendars, search and support of RSS
Open source PHP with an easy to use plugin architecture
I should come clean and admit I donâ??t use WordPressâ?? â??writeâ?? tab that much. I prefer ecto as an authoring package. It integrates with a lot of blogs using XML RPC, and is very mac friendly.
In case you wondering why I am writing this, this is my first official StoryStarters post! Check it out:

One Reply to “Blogging Software”

  1. i’m a total wordpress junky. i would echo the active development community. that’s been great for me in terms of security, but also with getting really great troubleshooting and customization tips. The amazing array of plugins and themes make wordpress really nice. unlike you, i do use the write tab. i like integrating quick tags for social networking sites, like youtube, etc.

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