New Web is Ready

The new home page is done. Well, mostly. I am still adding older (pre-2003) presentation archives over the next weeks, but most of the material is in place.
Some have asked me why I redid my home page. First, I’ve been doing a lot of simplifying of my information life. My old web had grown a bit unwieldy over two years. CMS systems like TikiWiki are great, but maybe a bit too much for what I needed. There was also a constantly security concern with keeping patches up to date and the like. My new site is high on function, but slim on features: a blog, a search engine…pretty simple. It is also easier to update with new publications and presentations. All I have to do now is drop a file in a directory, and the index will be updated. No menus to edit.

For those who care, the two pieces of technology at play here are Nutch, and opensource Java based search engine, and WordPress for the blog.

Always looking for feedback.